Rosetta Early Learners
Welcome Pack
Rosetta Road, Peebles
Scottish Borders
EH45 8HQ.
Tel : 01721 588087
Scottish Charity Number: SC002369
Your child’s first session
We ask that at the first session you are available to go through various pieces of paperwork with us to help you to get a feel for the nursery and how it works.
The paperwork required will include vital permission slips and settling in information to allow us to get to know your child and family and with your help to ensure they settle in their new surroundings.
Who can come to Rosetta Early Learners?
Rosetta provides parent funded places for children from 2½ years and local authority funded places from the term after their third Birthday.
Who are our staff members?
Tina MacLinton Manager
Hannah Moss Deputy Manager
Elaine Burnside Practitioner
Gillian Williamson Practitioner
Kelly Noble Practitioner
Rosie Thompson Assistant
All staff meet the registration requirements of the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and are members of the Disclosure Scotland Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme.
Vision, Values and Aims
Rosetta Early Learners
To offer a friendly, welcoming community where all children grow, explore, play, and learn.
Safe (Article 19 UNCRC)
We have the right to be safe
So, we use our walking feet indoors
So, we are kind and gentle to each other
Included (Article 12 UNCRC)
We have the right to be heard
So, we use our quiet voices indoors
So, we listen to each other
Playing (Article 31 UNCRC)
We have the right to play
So, we take turns
So, we take care of our things
Learning (Article 28 UNCRC)
We have the right to learn
To care for each other, our belongings, and our world.
Feel welcome, safe, and included.
Work with parent, carers, and the community to develop relationships and learning.
Provide quality education through opportunities to explore, develop and investigate.
Rosetta Early Learners
Rosetta has been providing ‘learning through play’ opportunities for children for over 40 years. It is a small friendly setting with a high staff to child ratio. Rosetta is committee led, ensuring that decision making is in the hands of those who use it. It is a member of Early Years Scotland and receives funding from Scottish Borders Council as a partner provider early learning and childcare setting.
Rosetta runs with the help of a committee as well as the staff.
Committee meetings are held around every six weeks, with all parents / carers being asked to attend where possible.
On enrolling your child at Rosetta, you become a member of the general committee.
Trustee members are elected from the general committee once a year at the AGM (usually August / September).
We understand that family life is busy, but we appreciate the input and dedication from our committee to help make Rosetta a wonderful place for your children.
Our vision, values and aims are based around learning through play and providing a caring, safe environment where everyone is welcome. Our values ‘Caring, Playing, Knowing, Growing’ were created in consultation with children, families and staff and are central to our ethos. The children are involved in planning and recording their learning in our group floor books and in their individual learning stories which parents and carers are welcome to look at any time. We provide lots of opportunities for outside play in our garden area and the grounds of Halyrude Primary School in addition to adventures in the local community.
We follow national guidelines and curriculum including:
Curriculum for Excellence
Realising the Ambition
Health and Social Care Standards
Further information can be found on the Education Scotland website:
What are the session times?
Monday – Thursday Morning 8.30 – 11.30
Lunch 11.30 - 12.30
Afternoon 12.30 – 3.00
All day 8.30 – 3.00
Friday Morning and Brunch 8.30 – 12.30
The term dates follow those of the local primary school with minor changes to allow for in-service training for staff.
What are the fees and how do I pay?
Children have their sessions funded by the local authority from the term after their third Birthday.
Parent funded sessions for children from 2½ years will be charged at £5.50 per hour from August 2024.
We no longer charge snack fees. Snack is paid for by the Scottish Government’s Healthy Milk and snack scheme.
Fees will be invoiced monthly in advance and can be paid by bank transfer to
Rosetta Early Learners, sort code 80-22-60, Account number 16655266.
Here is a sample invoice for your information.
Rosetta Early Learners
Child’s name………………………………………………..
Date: from 01/04/24 to 30/04/24
Fees: 14Hrs @£5.50 per hour Amount Due £77.00
Total Amount Due £77.00
Payment Due by 02/04/25
Payment can be made by cash, or bank transfer
Bank transfers: Acc name: Rosetta Early Learners, Acc no: 16655266, sort code: 80 22 60
If paying by bank transfer, please put your child’s name as a reference.
What happens at drop off/collection time?
Children will be collected at the gate by a member of staff and taken into nursery. Where coats will be removed and shoes changed before the children enter the play room and wash their hands.
At the end of the session parents will be able to enter the building after the gate in unlocked to collect their children.
It is important to inform staff if someone other than the parents are collecting the child. Children must always be collected by a capable adult who is known to the child.
If children arrive out with these times there may be a wait for a member of staff to admit the child. Please arrive where possible on time for drop off and promptly for pick up.
What should my child wear?
Children should wear practical, comfortable clothing and should have appropriate outdoor clothing and footwear (if possible a pair of wellies to leave at nursery) as we aim to have outdoor play everyday. Please ensure your child has a sunhat on warm sunny days and that sun cream is applied before you leave your child. A warm hat and mittens are also needed during the colder months. A cotton bag is provided to store indoor shoes (we ask that there are no slippers or crocs as indoor shoes but something with a rubber sole and good support), a change of clothes and nappies/pull ups/wipes if required.
We often have water play or play outside so a change of clothes is always required.
Please see Appendix 1 at the end of the document – Outdoor play
Rosetta branded hoodies and t shirts are available from
Brown and Out Peebles:
Rosetta Early Learners Archives - Brown & Out (
Children are asked to bring water bottles daily with plain water (no juice or flavoured water).
Where do I get information?
Please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions. You can also find out more from the Rosetta Early Learners Facebook page and website. Please ask to join the Rosetta Early Learners Parents Face book group prior to your child starting at the setting and we will share some settling in videos.
Please search for Rosetta Early Learners Parents Group.
If you are not on Facebook please let us know and these can be sent by other means to you.
You will be given the opportunity to join the committee and attend regular Rosetta meetings and events.
Staff are unable to accept any friend requests on social media from parents and carers of children attending the setting.
Stay and Play?
We hope to establish an opportunity for stay and play sessions during the year. Please look out for details of this.
Parents Evening
There will be one parents evening during the school year. This will be in November 2024. If required a second evening will happen in February 2025. However, you can make appointments to speak with staff whenever you require to do so.
Children who are bringing a packed lunch are required to bring it in an insulated lunch bag or box.
WE ARE A NUT FREE SETTING. Please no nuts in packed lunches. This includes all chocolate spreads.
For advice on packed lunches please see the NHS website (
Birthday cakes
Unfortunately, we have made the decision to not allow celebration cakes from home as often we have children who are not able to eat them due to dietary requirements. Birthdays will be celebrated within the setting in other ways.
What if my child is unwell or unable to attend?
Any child who is unwell should not attend regardless of whether they have a confirmed infection
Children with diarrhoea and/or vomiting should be excluded until they have no symptoms for 48 hours following their last episode
Children with unexplained rashes should be considered infectious until assessed by a doctor
If your child is going to be absent, please inform staff as early as possible by telephoning 01721588087 (answering machine out with opening hours).
Or by texting 07591568035. Please telephone or text and do not leave messages on social media. If we have had no communication about the reason for a child’s absence and we are unable to contact you we are required to contact the police.
Will information about my child be confidential?
Rosetta Early Learners recognises that the safety and wellbeing of children and families is of paramount importance. All information, verbal or written, will be treated confidentially and the privacy of those involved in the service will be respected in accordance with our privacy and confidentiality policies. We require to hold information about the children, families and staff working within the setting. Systems will be in place regarding the sharing and storage of this information. Parents will be able to share information in confidence. However, we cannot withhold confidential information regarding the welfare of the child and this information will be disclosed to specified personnel and agencies if required.
What if I am unhappy with something?
We aim to continually improve and value feedback from parents and carers. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff or the chairperson and we will do our best to resolve the issue. Our complaints policy is displayed on the parent’s board. If you feel that your complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily then you can find further information at or contact the Care Inspectorate at Compass House, 11 Riverside Drive, Dundee, DD1 4NY, or by telephoning 0345 600 9527.
Appendix 1 - Childsmile
At Rosetta we take part in the childsmile programme daily with the children.
What is the Childsmile Core Programme?
The Childsmile Core Toothbrushing Programme is available throughout Scotland. Every child is provided with a dental pack containing a toothbrush, at least 1000 parts per million fluoride toothpaste and oral health messages, on at least six occasions by the age of 5 years. Children also receive a free-flow feeder cup by the age of 1 year.
In addition, every 3 and 4-year-old child attending nursery, whether it is local authority, voluntary or private partnership nursery, is eligible to be offered free, daily, supervised toothbrushing within their nursery establishment. Within all NHS Boards in Scotland, supervised toothbrushing is also offered to Primary 1 and Primary 2 children in at least 20% of local authority primary schools situated in areas with the highest level of need.
The Childsmile Core Programme promotes a holistic approach to healthy living and teaches children an important life skill. Children who attend nurseries, schools, childminders and after school clubs should be offered healthy snacks and drinks as part of national initiatives to improve dental health and reduce childhood obesity.
Children at Rosetta who attend over the lunch period will take part in supervised teeth brushing daily. Please let us know if you do not wish your child to take part.
Appendix 2 - Outdoor play
There has been a lot of talk recently about children getting outside in the cold weather and the benefits it has for them and their learning. Here is a summary for your information.
The following information comes from Cold Weather Outdoor Play Boosts Immune System! By: Anne Dodds, Keystone STARS Child Care Health Consultant
Winter fresh air is good for everyone!
Outdoor winter play has long been blamed for colds and the flu. Our parents told us to “bundle up or you’ll catch a cold,” and their parents probably told them the same thing. But winter play gets a bad rap. Although going outside unprepared for the elements is unwise, viruses that are spread by other human beings and cause colds and the flu are indoors.
The indoor circulation of germs and bacteria is much more harmful to your child than playing outside. There are plenty of excellent references for winter safety tips, that explain proper clothing, winter health and more. With the right preparation and understanding of winter weather, your child can have as much fun in the cold as he or she does in the sun!
Here are Four Benefits of Outdoor Winter Play
Breathe fresh air It’s no secret that most parents blame winter air as the cause for colds and the flu. Although the viruses that cause flu and colds are more common in the winter months, the circulated air in closed environments is the main cause of your child getting sick. All of the bacteria, dirt, and other germs simply get recycled through the air over and over. The more time you spend inside, the more you are exposed. Nothing is more refreshing than that first deep breath of cold, winter air before starting hours of fun with outdoor play. In fresh, outdoor air, children do not have to rebreathe the germs of the group, and the chance for spreading infection is reduced.
Strengthen immune system Playing outside allows your child an escape from indoor germs and bacteria. This will not only be good for the healthy children; the sick kids benefit from the fresh air as well. Just make sure they are properly bundled up and moving around to capture and generate warmth. Being outside more often also allows your child to develop a stronger autoimmune system and a resistance to allergies. Studies have shown that children in rural areas or those who are active outside have the best overall health.
Engage in physical exercise Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean your children have lost their energy or desire to play. In fact, it “gives children an opportunity for a change of environment, a balance in play and routine, and large muscle activities (gross-motor development).” You must remember your child is still growing during these months, and prolonged sessions of inactivity are not conducive to their muscular development. Physical activity gives your immune system a power surge for a full 24 hours. A stronger immune system leads to less illness and less use of antibiotics.
Stimulate the imagination The winter also offers a variety of ways to stimulate your imagination through play. Do you have access to a park? Go for a wildlife hike and look for birds and other woodland creatures. With all the technological advancements of the past decade, many children are using their imaginations less and less. Something as simple as building a silly snowman utilizes problem solving and imaginative skills they would not be using while sitting on the couch.
We hope this helps you to understand the basics of outdoor winter play.
At Rosetta we plan to be outside as much as possible to give children the benefits of the season.
Please ensure your child is sent with the correct clothing and shoes to benefit from being outside.
Appendix 3 – Toilet Learning
Before starting training, your child needs to be given lots of opportunities for learning. Babies are born ready to learn new skills with our help and the best way for them to do so is through practice and repetition.
It's important to think about potty or toilet training in the same way we support children to develop other skills such as brushing their teeth or using a spoon.
Just like helping them to walk and talk, you can start teaching your child to use a potty before they stop using nappies. This gives them all the time and practice they need to succeed with being independent from nappies when the time comes.
By teaching children the skills they need we are preparing them for the journey ahead.
Most children are ready to master potty independence and lead in many parts of the process from around 18 months. Most children will be capable of most things including wiping by themselves when they start school.
Research shows it is better for your child’s bladder and bowel health to stop using nappies between 18 and 30 months.
The longer you leave it, the harder it can be for your child to learn this new skill and accept not having a nappy on anymore.
Here's how to help your child gain body awareness and prepare them for potty training:
Make sure they have plenty of water-based drinks on top of any milk. Keeping their bladder and bowel healthy and working properly will help with potty training.
Try to change nappies or pull-ups as soon as they are wet or soiled. Teaching your baby that it is normal to be clean and dry.
Once they can stand, do nappy or pull-up changes standing up and involve them in cleaning up and flushing poo down the toilet. Talk to them whilst you're doing it so they begin to understand where wee and poo goes and the language we use for the toilet and how our body feels.
Regular, short periods without wearing a nappy or pull-up can help prepare your child for how it will feel when they stop using them completely. Let your child have some nappy off time for up to 30 minutes after they've done a wee or poo. This will help them get used to not wearing it, without having an accident.
Good times to try a potty sit include:
After they wake up
After mealtimes
Anytime you know your child needs to go (if you see them straining for a poo for example).
Once you've helped to grow your child's awareness and they begin to develop confidence in what they've learnt, you can then start to build in and give opportunities to practice some more advanced skills. These include:
Words or signs that they can learn to help communicate their needs to you.
How to push their pants down and pull them up again afterwards.
Good personal hygiene: the correct way to use toilet paper for wiping, handwashing and drying.
Don't forget at this practice stage they can still wear a nappy, but it will boost their capabilities and awareness if they have some nappy free time and potty sits.
Dress them in loose fitting trousers during these periods rather than pants as they may confuse this with wearing a nappy.
Go Nappy Free
Go nappy free.
Here are some tips to help make this stage easier for you both:
Make sure it’s a good time for you as well as your child. It’s best to avoid doing it at a time when there are any big changes or disruptions to your child’s or family’s routine.
When you are ready, tell your child it is time to stop using nappies.
Make sure your child is drinking enough during the day. Aim for 6-8 drinks a day.
Dress your child in clothes that are easy for them to get on and off, so they can take the lead with using the potty.
If you have a boy, encourage him to sit down on the potty for both wees and poos especially in the beginning. We empty our bladder better sitting down and it helps to prevent constipation.
At nursery
If you are starting toilet training or are new to the setting share with staff all the information you can about your journey so far.
Tell the staff about the language you use at home for wee and poo.
Communication is key between home and the setting to ensure you are following the same methods and keeping things easy for the child.
Advice and help
BBC Tiny Happy People
Parent Club Scotland
Appendix 4 - How Rosetta works - information for parents and carers
Information sheet
Thank you for choosing Rosetta Early Learners for your child’s Early Years’ experience.
With this information sheet we would like to give you a little bit of a background to Rosetta and tell you how we run and how you can help.
About us
Rosetta Early Learners operates from premises attached to Halyrude Primary School and caters for children 2½ – 5 years of age and, in partnership with Scottish Borders Council, provides Early Years Curriculum for Excellence within the setting.
We are very proud of our achievements and participate in quality assurance schemes with regular inspections from regulatory authorities such as the Care Inspectorate and HM Inspectors of Education.
All our staff undertake relevant training courses and share the desire to provide the highest possible quality of care. All employees at Rosetta Early Learners are aware of Child Protection issues and follow local area child protection procedures.
We want the best for our children and we put a lot of work into making sure that the care we provide is safe, supporting, stimulating, educative and, above all, fun.
Rosetta – A History
The first record of Rosetta states that the playgroup met in the Rugby Hut (locally known as the ‘Chicken Huts’) at Haylodge park before 1970.
The playgroup moved to St Joseph’s in the early ’70’s where it was known as Peebles Pre-School Playgroup.
Another name change in 1995 when Rosetta Voluntary moved to the Scout Hut where it stayed until moving to its current site in 2012.
2018/2019 saw Rosetta change to a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) and change our name to Rosetta Early Learners to reflect our change from a playgroup to a high-quality Early Learning and Childcare provider.
From August 2019 we have offered the government’s new 1140 hours for children ages 3 and over – this allows children to attend full day sessions which includes lunch.
Rosetta Early Learners works with the current Early Years curriculum and documents such as The Curriculum for Excellence and How Good is our Early Learning and Child Care, as well as with organisations such as The Care Inspectorate, SSSC and Early Years Scotland, to offer the best service possible.
Many local children have attended Rosetta over the years and are now returning with their own children.
How can you get involved?
We are a parent-run organisation; as a parent, guardian or carer of children attending
Rosetta Early Learners you automatically become a member.
The management committee is elected each year from members, this usually takes place at the AGM held at the beginning of term.
On a 6 weekly (ish) basis elected office bearers and members attend committee meetings. These are short meetings and held either at Rosetta. All decision made by the committee relate to the running of the setting and are not based on the curriculum or any child’s care.
The Manager and other staff work with this committee to create a working group that can continue to build Rosetta and make it a nursery to be proud of.
The Committee
The Chairperson – The chairperson ensures the smooth running of meetings and makes sure that relevant matters are discussed and effective decision are made and carried out.
The chairperson works with the staff team to help ensure the effective running of Rosetta.
The Secretary – The Secretary will take minutes at all meetings and will distribute them in a way that all members will be able to see them. Other admin jobs might be required throughout the year.
The Treasurer – The Treasurer will take on the financial running of the charity and works with Leithen Business Services. This will include general bookkeeping and paying wages.
The Board as a whole – The board will make decisions on the running of Rosetta before taking them to the general committee to vote. These will include staff wages, fees etc.
Members of the board are required to hold PVG’s (these are paid for by the organisation).
General Committee – All members of the committee are able to vote at meetings and express views and ideas.
Other small groups – In many cases we require smaller groups to work on specific areas such as Fundraising or Garden maintenance. These groups often pull on the expertise of members of the committee and help to bring in vital funds or carry out valuable work to help with the running of Rosetta.
We also encourage committee members who have specific interests, hobbies or skills to visit the setting to share these with the children.
Without the committee Rosetta is unable to run and would close,
volunteers are vital.
The committee is supported by the Staff (many of whom have previously served on the committee), Leithen Business Services, SBC (Scottish Borders Council) and EYS (Early Years Scotland)
Appendix 5 - Showbie
Why Showbie?
Rosetta uses the Showbie educational app. This helps sharing your child’s learning with you at home, help’s us to learn about the learning you take part in at home, is a safe place for you to share this with us and to reduce paper and admin time for staff.
Showbie is also the resource used by SBC in their school settings from nursery to High school. By using it here we are providing you as parents / carers the opportunity to interact with the app and the children to get used to adding work and using I pads.
Each family will be asked to sign a Showbie contract.
The use of digital material is increasing, and our aim through using this app is for the positive reasons stated above.
Our primary focus will be on the safety of all users and their data. For this reason, we are asking all parents / carers to complete the Showbie contract.
Showbie itself has a robust GDPR policy which can be found here,
No images are to be copied shared on social media from Showbie or Facebook.
Many people hold their own reasons why images of their children are not to be shared on social media.
Sharing images of children who are not your own can hold potential risks, possibly leading to a security issue for the child and family concerned.
We ask that everyone agree to not sharing images taken by Rosetta staff for the safety of all our users.
Any members who do not follow guidelines will be removed from the Facebook group and Showbie for the safety of the other children.
The following key can help you to understand posts on Showbie:
Learning observations will be marked with: ⭐️
Home Learning will be marked with: 🏠
Text within the photo will be marked with: 💬
Next Steps will be marked with: 🦶
Wow moments / celebrations (Birthdays etc) will be marked with: 🎉
Voice notes will be marked with: 📢
Nursery milestones (first snack, first school meal, first day etc) will be marked with: A suitable emoji e.g. a toothbrush, plate of food, etc
General nice photos / moments will be marked with: 📸
Group learning / intentional planning will be marked with: 🧑🧒🧒
Parental Involvement
At various times during the year, we ask for parental involvement in your child’s learning through short activities at home, sharing views and opinions and taking part in questionnaires for feedback.
This involvement helps extend learning outside of the setting and creates a positive experience for the future school environment. Involvement enhances academic performance and has a positive influence on the child’s behaviour and attitude to learning. Partnerships between nursery and home can improve attendance, attainment and motivate children.