Rosetta Early Learners

To offer a friendly, welcoming community where all children grow, explore, play, and learn.
Safe (Article 19 UNCRC)
We have the right to be safe
So, we use our walking feet indoors
So, we are kind and gentle to each other
Included (Article 12 UNCRC)
We have the right to be heard
So, we use our quiet voices indoors
So, we listen to each other
Playing (Article 31 UNCRC)
We have the right to play
So, we take turns
So, we take care of our things
Learning (Article 28 UNCRC)
We have the right to learn
To care for each other, our belongings, and our world.
Feel welcome, safe, and included.
Work with parent, carers, and the community to develop relationships and learning.
Provide quality education through opportunities to explore, develop and investigate.