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Additional Support for Learning Policy

Rosetta Early Learners



Statement of Purpose

As an Early Learning and Childcare setting we recognise that children should be treated as individuals and equality of opportunity should be provided for all children and families. Inclusion is an entitlement for all service users and the setting recognises that everyone will benefit when all children are given the same opportunities to share in the experience of the setting. The setting should provide a safe and secure environment which recognises and values diversity and ensures all children should feel a sense of belonging.

Where there are areas of concern or the child has additional needs, we use the National Practice Model and the SBC INCLUDES: Framework for staged intervention to assess the needs of the children alongside observation, discussion with parents and carers.


Complying with Legislation and National Guidance


SBC INCLUDES: Framework for staged interevention

Item No. 4 - Appendix 3 - Framework for Staged Intervention.pdf (

Staff within the setting will use the SBC Included framework to ensure each child receives the help they require and a continuity of service across the Borders with all Early Year Education settings is maintained.


Within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) inclusion and equality of opportunity are an entitlement for all children.


The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 provides the legal framework for the provision of additional support for learning. This legislation was amended by The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009 and requires settings, local authorities and other agencies to address additional support needs which may arise during the course of the child’s education. The Act legislates that it is everybody’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate support is in place to enable all children to reach their full potential.


The Equality Act 2010 contains provisions to ensure that any act of discrimination is a lawful offence and ensures that protection is in place for individuals being discriminated against for any of reason. Rosetta Early Learners believes that no child should be excluded or disadvantaged because of ethnicity, culture, religious beliefs, language, family background, special educational needs, disability, gender or ability. Health and Social Care Standards: 1.1, 1.12, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5


The Scottish Government’s Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) promotes an integrated working approach ensuring the sharing of information and actions to ensure that the child’s needs are being met.


Needs of the Child

All children are different and have individual needs and learning styles. In order that all children can reach their full potential some may require additional support. This support may be long term and /or short term and progress should be monitored regularly to ensure the support being provided is appropriate. Consideration should be given to the child’s home, language, culture, and community when providing additional support for learning.  Additional support for learning may be necessary to extend the learning of more able children.


Role of Staff

As part of everyday practice staff will observe children and monitor their progress to assess their individual needs and interests. Staff will support children through appropriate planning and effective use of resources to ensure continuity of learning. Staff should be made aware of the relevant support services available and work collaboratively with the appropriate services to ensure the child’s needs are being met. This can be done by using the SBC INCLUDES: Framework for staged intervention.


A child may be considered for a co-ordinated support plan (CSP) if they need significant additional support with their education. The CSP is an action plan that supports professionals and families to work together to help children achieve their educational targets. This plan is the only legal planning document in education.       


Whilst children may not have an Integrated Support Plan (ISP) or CSP, a Care Plan is required for every child using a care service.



Parents are the child’s prime educators and should be consulted and involved in all aspects of their child’s education and progress. Parents and professionals should work in partnership to ensure the child’s individual needs are being met.


How the Additional Support for Learning Act affects our setting

The Act and the code of practice recognise the importance of voluntary services and encourages local authorities to work together with voluntary settings that are supporting children and families.


  • If a child requires additional support for learning and the child is going to be educated by the local authority, then at least six months before they are going to school, the authority must get advice and information from any person they think is appropriate; this could include staff at the child’s setting.

  • Disabled children under three may be referred, by the health sector to the local authority, to assess if they have additional support needs. The authority must get information from any person they feel is appropriate therefore the staff within the setting may be consulted as part of the assessment process.

  • In the case where a child is attending a partnership nursery as arranged with the local authority, then the setting may be consulted about their experience of working with the child as part of the assessment process undertaken by the authority. This would also be the process if the setting was to be involved in the preparation of co-ordinated support plan.


The Act requires the local authority to make sure that arrangements for children with additional support for learning needs can be identified, assessed, and supported. The support put in place has then to be monitored and reviewed. The day-to-day practice of supporting the children is carried out by the setting.


Settings in partnership will be involved in all these aspects of supporting children.


In the case of a dispute staff may be invited to participate in mediation. Some partner settings may have children who require a co-ordinated support plan (CSP) and staff will be involved in the process of maintaining the plan.


The Act also gives parents of children with additional support for learning needs the right to make a placing request to settings. It is for the authority to manage this, but settings may be involved in discussions with the authority or with parents. Settings should be aware of the local authority’s placing request arrangements.


Other parental rights include the right to request that their child is assessed for additional support and whether a co-ordinated support plan is required. Parents also have the right to request specific types of assessment when the authority has agreed to start the assessment process. Settings in partnership should be aware of these and other new rights.  

Links to national policy:


SBC INCLUDES: Framework for staged intervention

Item No. 4 - Appendix 3 - Framework for Staged Intervention.pdf (



Health and Social Care Standards (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004


The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Acts


Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) - The Scottish Government



Find out more:

Enquire (advice and information about additional support for learning)


Additional Support for Learning-Education Scotland

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