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Adverse weather and snow policy

Rosetta Early Learners



Rosetta Early Learners has an adverse weather policy in place to ensure we are prepared for all adverse weather such as snow, high winds, and heat waves.  If any of these impact on the ability for Rosetta to operate we will contact parents via the parent Facebook page / phone.

If the advice from Scottish Borders Council is to close all schools then Rosetta will follow this advice and close.



With the recent changes in winter weather we have adapted our policies to include procedures for dealing with bad snow.  If high snow fall is threatened prior to a nursery day then consultation between manager (Tina MacLinton) and the Chairperson will be made as to whether to close Rosetta. This decision will consider the safety of the children, their parents, and the staff team. 

In the event of a planned closure during a nursery day parents will be contacted to arrange collection of their child.

In the event of staff shortage due to snow we will contact all available off duty staff and/ or supply staff.  If we are unable to maintain statutory ratio requirements after all avenues are explored, we may be required to close and arrange collection of children.


Hot Weather

In extreme hot weather we will automatically utilise the natural ventilation systems of the centre, whilst ensuring the safety and security of the building is not compromised.  

All children are required to come to Rosetta with a (labelled) sun hat and wearing sunscreen during hot periods.

Staff will encourage children to use the sheltered and shaded areas but may resort to taking children back into the cooler indoor area to prevent overheating, burning and tiredness.

All children will be actively encouraged to drink water during indoor and outdoor play.


 Health and safety issues

Employers have a general duty under s.2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work. Failure in this duty can result in criminal sanctions. There are also general duties on employees and there is also an implied term in every contract of employment that the employer will take reasonable steps to protect the health and safety of its workers in the workplace.

Severe weather may have several implications for an employer. If, for example, its employees work outside or must drive as part of their job, they might be unable to perform their duties. Their health may also be at greater risk if they work in the open air. The employer will need to ensure that it complies with its health and safety obligations about providing a safe system of work, for example by carrying out risk assessments, and ensuring that employees have suitable clothing and adequate rest breaks. A risk assessment gives employers an opportunity to identify those things in the workplace that could cause harm to their employees, or others who use or have access to the workplace, so that they can weigh up whether they have taken sufficient precautions or need to do more to prevent harm.

Employers should not encourage their employees to travel in dangerous weather, either during working hours or when travelling to and from work. While an employer would not normally be liable for the acts of its employees when travelling to and from work, the courts have shown an increasing willingness to hold an employer liable for the acts of its employees taking place outside working hours where the act is closely connected with what the employer authorised or expected of the employee in the performance of his or her employment.


Temperature at Work

For those who get to work it is not uncommon for members to face heating failures or heating systems that are simply inadequate. Regulation 7 of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (SI 1992/3004) states that during working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable. However, the Regulations do not provide a minimum workplace temperature. Whether or not a temperature is reasonable will depend on factors such as the nature of the workplace and the type of work that is being carried out. The Health and Safety Executive provides guidance on the Regulations, which recommends a minimum temperature of 16°C for workplaces where the activity is mainly sedentary, such as offices. For workplaces where much of the work involves physical effort, the minimum recommended temperature is 13°C.


Staff Pay

In the even of closure due to bad weather staff will be entitled to pay for the first three days and thereafter the committee will make a decision on staff wages.

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